Explore Jersey.

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L'histoire et le patrimoine de Jersey

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Plein air

Un retour à la nature lors de votre break insulaire.


Découvrez la fierté et la passion des jersiais pour leur île.


Nos produits locaux font notre fierté

Activités & Bien-être

Venez prendre l'air.

Les indépendants de Jersey

Votre guide des talents qui façonnent notre île et lui confèrent son esprit indépendant.


Découvrez tout ce que Jersey a à offrir.

À voir, À faire. Voir tout

Des lieux uniques où l'aventure vous attend.


Concerts, festivals, expos, imprégnez-vous de l'ambiance insulaire.

Tours & visites

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Dégustez une portion de vie insulaire.

Activités de plein air

Explorez les grands espaces à Jersey.


Marques de créateurs et trouvailles locales.


Histoire & patrimoine

Parish Church of St. Brelade

Parish Church of St. Brelade is one of the twelve ancient parish churches in Jersey. Located in the southwest corner of St. Brelade's Bay, where you'll find one of the most beautiful bays in Jersey. It is unique in having one of the few surviving medieval chapels, the Fisherman's Chapel, sited directly next to the main church.

  • Entrée gratuite
  • Gratuit pour les enfants

Plus d'infos

The Parish Church of St. Brelade is located next to the bustling St. Brelade's Bay that offers lots of activities for families such as water sports - banana boating, kayaking, coasteering tours and more. St. Brelade's Bay also offers many bars, cafés and restaurants. It's also said that when it was being built, fairies conspired to move the building to the seafront rather than further inland as the builders were planning. Despite many attempts to build further back from the sea, the builders had to concede defeat to the persistent fairies and built the chapel where you'll find it today. Oh so the story goes.

Informations d'ouverture

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Principales caractéristiques
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  • Extérieur
  • Couples
  • Accès fauteuil roulant
  • Parking


Parish Church of St. Brelade
La Marquanderie
St. Brelade