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Sports | Extérieur | Spectator | Participant

Trail Monkey: El Diablo Half Marathon

The El Diablo Trail Half Marathon covers some of the unique landmarks across the north-west of the island. Including the majestic Mourier Valley and Devils Hole. The course finishes at L'Étacq where you’ll be welcomed with tea, cake and a well-earned medal!

  • Ouverture saisonnière
  • Réservation nécessaire

Prix: à partir de £42

Plus d'infos

Starting at Les Platons at 9am, heading west to Bonne Nuit Bay, and climbing up, up up! You get the respite of a bit of road to Les Fontaines in St. John before the course joins the cliff paths again at Sorel Point.

From here you are treated to the majestic Mourier Valley, going on to Devils Hole, before a quad bashing descent into Greve de Lecq. Once the thighs have recovered its time to head out of Greve and to make your way to Plemont Bay – Grosnez Beckons after this and then its a romp across the headland to L’Etacq.

The end is now in sight with a nice downhill part to the finish – where we will be welcoming you with hugs, cheers and a finishers medal!

Informations d'ouverture

Nous sommes ouverts:

Principales caractéristiques
  • Extérieur
  • Restauration


Start: Les Platons Carpark