Explore Jersey.

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Tours & visites

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Activités de plein air

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Marques de créateurs et trouvailles locales.


Sports | Extérieur | Spectator | Participant

Seymour Sprint

Taking place along Jersey’s spectacular south-east coast, choose from a 6 km beach run to Seymour Slip and return, or a 10 km trail run to the historic Seymour Tower, across the intertidal zone of the beautiful Ramsar site. Be prepared to get wet and run over sandy and rocky surfaces.

  • Ouverture saisonnière
  • Réservation nécessaire

Prix: £12 - £20

Plus d'infos

10km trail run is from Long Beach - Seymour Slip - Seymour Tower and back, is across the Ramsar intertidal zone,

The 6km run is from Long Beach - Seymour Slip and back (not the tower).

Shoes and clothing will be exposed to seawater and parts of the course may be under water. You are expected to use common sense, follow the marshalled route and avoid running over rocky outcrops and through deeper water. Please note re 10km Run: This event will be physically challenging - you will be running 10km across uneven coastal/ intertidal terrain, through the gulleys. Due to the risk of tidal cut-off, there is a time limit for reaching the turn-around point (45mins / 5km).


Long Beach Carpark

Besoin d'inspiration?

Seymour Tower

Quite unique, this is the only square-shaped Conway tower in the island, standing more than a mile offshore in the heart of Jersey’s low tide ‘lunar’ landscape. Only venture out to this tower with an experienced walking guide, the incoming tide with its whirlpools and gullies can be treacherous.

Entrée gratuite

The Royal Bay of Grouville

The Royal Bay of Grouville, known to locals as Long Beach, has a long stretch of soft golden sand with calm sheltered waters perfect for swimming. You can enjoy water skiing, wakeboarding, banana boat rides and even hire a motor dinghy in summer. Young families will love this friendly beach nestled near the sleepy Gorey Village.

Entrée gratuite Gratuit pour les enfants