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Sports | Extérieur | Spectator

Sand Racing at St. Ouen’s Bay

The Jersey Motorcycle and Light Car Club has a long tradition of sand racing – in fact our island of Jersey and our sister island Guernsey is one of the few places in the British Isles where official races are held.

  • Ouverture saisonnière
  • Entrée gratuite

Plus d'infos

Sand Racing is a unique and thrilling event it is held from the end of April through to September and includes Junior cars with drivers from the age of fourteen to Senior cars to any age, our oldest driver at present is over 70. Sand Buggies and Racing buggies also enjoy the racing. Junior bikes start at 50cc all the way through to Senior motorcycle competitors. Sliders (speedway/grass track bikes) also enter the event.

Sand racing was first introduced at Greve d'Azette, followed up St. Brelade's Bay. As of 2024, our events now take place West Park, Millbrook and St. Ouen’s and host roughly 12 events per year.

Informations d'ouverture

Nous sommes ouverts:
April, May, July, August

Principales caractéristiques
  • Extérieur
  • Famille
  • Parking