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Archaeology Festival: Neolithic Neighbours

The Société Jersiaise's Archaeology Section’s project is exploring the Island’s Neolithic landscape hoping that new discoveries will be made. Come and see how they propose to do this and learn about the community engagement project “Neolithic Neighbours” they are running in the districts where the dolmen exist.

  • Ouverture saisonnière
  • Entrée gratuite

Plus d'infos

Jersey is dotted with megaliths in the form of dolmens, menhirs and standing stones that were erected by the Neolithic people between about 6500 and 4000 years ago. They were the first farmers in this region and brought about huge changes to the landscape when they cleared the previously densely wooded island to create land in which to grow crops and on which they grazed domesticated animals. The megaliths are tangible and visible survivors in that landscape, but we believe there are many more hidden remains waiting to be found and which will give us a better insight into our island’s ancestors.

Lead: Marc Yates (Chair, Société Jersiaise Archaeology Section) & Dr Hervé Duval (Société Jersiaise Field Archaeologist)

Grade: Easy


St. Andrew's Park
First Tower

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Société Jersiaise

The Société Jersiaise was founded in 1873 for the study of Jersey archaeology, history, natural history and the ancient language of Jèrriais. We have special events and the Lord Coutanche Library supports the work of the Société Jersiaise by collecting and preserving material relating to Jersey's history.

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Jersey Heritage

We are Jersey Heritage, our charity is dedicated to protecting Jersey’s unique culture and heritage.

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