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L'histoire et le patrimoine de Jersey

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Les indépendants de Jersey

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À voir, À faire. Voir tout

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Tours & visites

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Activités de plein air

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Marques de créateurs et trouvailles locales.


Arts & cultures | Festivals | History & Heritage | Extérieur

Archaeology Festival: Meet the Collections + Lab

Come and 'Meet the Collections' and see some of the archaeology treasures and recent finds that are not usually on display at one of Jersey Heritage’s sites. Many of the older items in the Collections originate from the Société Jersiaise and were collected over the Société’s 150-year history and which are now in the safe keeping of Jersey Heritage.

  • Ouverture saisonnière
  • Entrée gratuite

Plus d'infos

Jersey Heritage’s collections team will be selecting some of their favourite objects to show you and will be on hand to tell you about these objects, where they came from and what they can tell us about our Island’s history. The Museum Conservation Lab will also be open allowing visitors to see some conservation work in practice.

Do bring along any finds that you have made in your gardens or whilst out walking so that our “Ice Age Island” team, who will be present, can help identify and record them!

Meet: Jersey Heritage Stores, Sir Francis Cook Gallery, Trinity Hill.
Lead: Olga Finch, (Curator of Archaeology, Jersey Heritage)
Grade: Indoors

Informations d'ouverture

Nous sommes ouverts:

Principales caractéristiques
  • Intérieur
  • Couples
  • Accès fauteuil roulant
  • Parking
Lignes de bus


Sir Francis Cook Gallery
La Route de la Trinité

Besoin d'inspiration?

Société Jersiaise

The Société Jersiaise was founded in 1873 for the study of Jersey archaeology, history, natural history and the ancient language of Jèrriais. We have special events and the Lord Coutanche Library supports the work of the Société Jersiaise by collecting and preserving material relating to Jersey's history.

Entrée gratuite

Jersey Heritage

We are Jersey Heritage, our charity is dedicated to protecting Jersey’s unique culture and heritage.

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