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Strongpoint Corbiere Open Days

Explore the incredible M19 automatic mortar bunker and 6-loopholed machine gun bunker, interconnected by a deep underground tunnel! Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to guide you and give details of the fortifications along with an audio commentary explaining the original crew.

Entfernung: 2-3 Stunden

Weitere Informationen

Constructed in 1942, the M19 bunker is uniquely connected to a neighbouring 6-loopholed heavy machine gun turret bunker by an impressive underground corridor, forming the main hub for both the Strongpoint's telephone and radio communications. The complex has been restored to a high standard, and thanks to the post war return of its wartime commander, Engelbert Hoppe, tells the story of the crew who actually manned the complex and what they got up to during the last year of the Occupation.

There is also information on the forced labourers who constructed the site and interactions between the soldiers with nearby civilians as well, as an escape attempt which ended in failure on the causeway to the lighthouse in September 1944. The sites gives a ‘working atmosphere’ feel to the visitor and you are allowed to touch and interact with some of the exhibits!


Strong Point Corbiere
Le Chemin de la Corbière
St. Brelade

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Strongpoint Corbière

The La Corbière area was the home for a large German Infantry Strongpoint with an array of weaponry and six fortifications built with two meter thick walls and ceilings. The area is great to explore in the afternoon and if you are there for sunset make sure you have your camera ready.

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