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Battery Moltke Open Days

Welcome to Battery Moltke at Les Landes! We invite you to explore the underground tunnels and bunker complex that make up this impressive site. Knowledgeable members will be on hand to help you with your visit and the CIOS has also progressively opened up a large proportion of the Battery's sealed bunkers behind the Command Bunker which allows the interested visitor to explore them.

Entfernung: 2-3 Stunden

Weitere Informationen

Originally intended as Kriegsmarine (Naval) 'Marine Battery 1', armed with four modern quick-firing 15cm turreted guns which never arrived thanks to the Allied bombing raids in Europe, the site was handed over to the Army Coastal Artillery, armed with 155mm field guns, and named Batterie Moltke.

The CIOS maintain and restore the vast and impressive interconnected complex of Number 4 gun which consists of a personnel shelter, 2 ammunition bunkers, the underground gun emplacement and a temporary emplacement mounting a 15.5cm ex-French GPF field gun recovered from the base of nearby cliffs where it was dumped by the British Army in 1946! There is also ample information on various aspects of the Occupation for the interested visitor and knowledgeable members on hand to help you with your visit.

See if you can spot the hobnailed boot prints in the corridors!


Battery Moltke
Route du Ouest
St. Ouen

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Battery Moltke

Battery Moltke had intended to house four turreted 15cm Naval Artillery Guns that never arrived. The Germans instead used four 155mm Captured French Artillery guns “Canon de 155 Grande Puissance Filloux” (GPF) designated by the Germans as the “K 418(f)”.

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