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Trail Monkey: Beast of The East

Welcome to the 5th edition of the ever-popular Beast of The East Trail Half Marathon! We take great pride and joy in hosting these races. All runners are heartily welcome, and we’re committed to doing our best to ensure you cross the finish line with a triumphant smile. Whether you're spectating or participating, join us for the Beast of The East!

  • Saisoneröffnung

Preis: Ab £43

Weitere Informationen

Starting at St Catherine's Woods, the race will go through the woods and make its way to Rozel, then on to the northern coastal path taking on some of the most technical and tough terrain the North Coast cliff paths have to offer. It will be tough make no mistake but it will be beautiful as well and rewarding with stunning views, breathtaking climbs and quad bashing descents!

Almost entirely off-road (95% to be precise), this half marathon combines coastal and trail paths, adding an elevation of a challenging 2,700ft, making it a picturesque and inclusive race for runners with varied skill levels.

For more details on the event, please visit our website.

  • Oktober:
  • 27th Oktober 2024

Wir haben geöffnet.:

  • Outdoor
  • Familienfreundlich


Start: St. Catherine's Woods
St. Martin