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Kunst & Kultur | Familienfreundlich | Musik | nach Saison | Outdoor

La Saison Française 2024

Embark on a journey of cultural discovery as we unveil La Saison Française 2024 in Jersey, a vibrant celebration of French culture from 14 June to 28 July. All along this wonderful French season, you will be able to attend a series of innovative exhibitions, screenings, performances... With two main events in St Helier on 22 June and 13 July!

  • Saisoneröffnung
  • Kostenloser Eintritt
  • Reservierung nötig
14/06/2024 - 25/07/2024

Weitere Informationen

From June 14th to July 28th, 2024, ArtHouse Jersey, Alliance Française, Jersey Opera House and Maison de Normandie are working together to organise a French Season in Jersey focused around two annual and famous French cultural events: Fête de la Musique on 22nd June and Bastille Day on 13th July. Those two very important celebrations in France gather the whole community around music which will be the main point of focus on those two dates in St Helier.

La Saison Française will also offer a series of innovative and accessible exhibitions, performances and screenings celebrating collaborative cultural exchange and the work of distinguished contemporary French artists. Have a look at the organisers websites to know more. A bientôt !

  • Juli:
  • 5th Juli 2024
    18:00 - 19:00
  • 7th Juli 2024
    07:00 - 09:00
  • 11th Juli 2024
    09:00 - 18:00
  • 12th Juli 2024
    09:00 - 20:00
  • 13th Juli 2024
    09:00 - 21:00
  • 14th Juli 2024
    09:00 - 16:00
  • 18th Juli 2024
    19:00 - 22:00
  • 19th Juli 2024
    19:30 - 22:00
  • 20th Juli 2024
    19:30 - 22:00
  • 25th Juli 2024
    19:00 - 21:00

Wir haben geöffnet.:
June, July

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • Familienfreundlich


Maison de la Normandie et de la Manche
71 Halkett Place
St. Helier

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Kostenloser Eintritt

Maison de la Normandie et de la Manche

La Maison de la Normandie et de la Manche is the permanent representative office of the County Council of La Manche and the Regional Council of Normandy in the Channel Islands. Our purpose is to develop links and exchanges between those territories whether they entail economy, culture, tourism, sports... We also have a shop full of Norman products!